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Articles By Giovanni Tiso

A Mantuan Menu

My mother, who taught history in middle school, used to tell her students that she grew up in the middle ages.

Tour of Babel Primary category in which blog post is published

Trasformismo and Immobilismo

The illusion of change and the reality of perpetual stasis.

We live in a soft house

I can tell you all the things that are going to happen today and the order in which they’re going to happen.

Drinks Primary category in which blog post is published


Is the foam still there?

My Airport Primary category in which blog post is published

My Airport: WLG

Of all the airports in the world today, Wellington International is the only one where you stand a chance of being killed by Gandalf.

Machine Translation

Work is being done, but a machine is doing it; I have a translation, but where is the translator?