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Articles By Trevor Alixopulos

COVID-19 Diary Comic: Bars I’m Missing in the Holidays

Quarantined away from liquid holiday cheer

COVID-19 Diary Comic: Long Odd Summer

Reporting from the Big Long Now

COVID-19 Diary Comic: June March

People and pathogen, on the go

COVID-19 Diary Comic: Online Dancing

All I want to do is Zoom-a-Zoom-Zoom-Zoom

Where Your Eyes Don’t Go

My dr says I'm lacking in depth.

Pathos to th’ Mos’

My endless quest for pathetic businesses to support.

Dance Craze

15 years ago a dance craze swept through my hometown, and me with it.

New Tricks

The costs of learning and unlearning ticky tacky

Cartoon City Sketchbook: LA

Your Cartoon Letter Home, With Notes & Fashion Report