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The Sun Also Sets, in Luxor

Conserving Wonder and Power in Egypt

Not Too Smart Cities

The young man explained to me: It’s a new process for foreigners seeking visa extensions, and the technology is also new.

Prince of Vengeance

The resident of Talaat Harb Square, Cairo has a nice view but what he needs is a sense of humor.

Egypt is seizing control of the internet

The restriction of online spaces will be a huge setback for Egyptian civil society.


Below ground on Cairo's packed metro many things are permitted and certain things are not.

Prison letter: Synesthesia

Anger stains the soul just like an ink blot spoils the page.

From prison: Fairouz in the morning

In less than a month’s time, I will begin my sixth year in prison. Another terrifying number.

From prison: A wand from Ollivander’s

I take pleasure in thinking about the similarities between me and Harry.

From prison: Stoicism

Just now, I slipped up and thought about the future.