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Tempo: Back Issues


Here are the back issues of Tempo, Popula’s weekly magazine.

The unbearable beauty of disaster; no fries at the Karachi airport McDonald’s; carpal tunnel!

Literal bombs; a talk with the godfather of Ethereum; a spooky journey with the Riverman.

The politics of non profits; the politics of an airport; a glorious sketchbook from the train.

The realest of places, including the sites of an exquisite injury, a beautiful exile, and a cultural disaster.

There’s no one on earth like this wicked Chinese engineer. Poop is complicated; so is voting.

28th October 2018. People trying to love each other, my god.

21st October 2018. All the grey area of humankind in politics, explored by Chris Marcisz. Being called “daddy,” unexpectedly. Voting doesn’t work (okay but as a prophylactic?)

14th October 2018. The baddest (and awesomest) of bad women. The thrill of bargaining. Translating ancient Arabic poetry.

7th October 2018. What it’s like to “go back where you came from.” An apartment with no windows in Taipei. The magic of crowds.

30rd September 2018.
The Movie Assassin. Taiwan does The Room. Cinema snacks in Taipei. Sanaa Qureshi can’t sleep.

22nd September 2018.
A Magic Wand in Tora Prison. Queer Theotokos. Belgrade is freaking Lily Lynch out.

14th September 2018.
African Hospitality Served with Spaghetti Bolognese. A Date at Canter’s in Los Angeles. The Fate of Seers.

7th September 2018.
Bad Paperwork, a Second Horrific Story of Deportation. Dubai’s Vegetable Market. How Heavy it is to Be a Woman.

31st August 2018.
Horrible and Cruel Deportation of African Immigrants from the U.S. Other and Lesser but Still Grievous Expatriate Woes. Slow Cooker Useful.

24th August 2018.
A House for Mr. Soyinka. Mik Awake: Imperfect. April Holds On.

80magazine via Flickr (CC by 2.0)

17th August 2018
Publishers Barbara Epler and Jacques Testard in Conversation with Sasha Frere-Jones. Brother Layne: Sacrifice Minus Blood. Ahmed Hossam El-Din’s Postcard from the Egyptian Museum.

12th August 2018
Criminal Court in Queens. Gabrielle Gamboa’s “For My Father.” And the story of a thwarted billionaire: Goldenballs!

5th August 2018
Yemisi Aribisala’s Konkoksie. An Interest in Church. B. Invents Art.

29th July 2018
Machine Translation. Machine Translation of Machine Translation. Donald Glover’s “This is America” in Translation. Shetland Squadron gets Tattooed.

22th July 2018
The Ambien Diaries. I Thought I Was Taking Medicine. A Whole Hour of Therapy. Baby Eating.

ave atque vale

15th July 2018
Bourdain Confidential; the last interview. Saying goodbye to Gourmet Magazine. Austerity Cake. Mreh Takes Meetings.