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Articles By Wairimu Muriithi

and then through China Town so O could buy some mushrooms for dinner

My mother texted back the salivating emoji and asked me to save her some.

Green and Pink Slips

U.S. visas are a ridiculously expensive gamble

Tempo Primary category in which blog post is published

The Blast Happened at 3:26 p.m.

I started to panic, but S talked me through it, told me to hold the panic small and tight until we got indoors. I managed because she was holding me.

ME TODAY Primary category in which blog post is published

Pool Party

This was my first time on the other end of a kid’s birthday party: an apparently responsible adult amongst other apparently responsible adults.

Bodabodas and Scars

The first time my wound was recognized, I was trying to photograph it for the doctor I had to go see a week after I got burned.

ME TODAY Primary category in which blog post is published

It was my sorest tattoo yet

But Simi’s Simisola was good for the pain.