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Articles By Yonatan Raz Portugali

Praise the Good

on singing from the stands, when the stadium goes remote

The wisdom of never leaving your hotel room

The rare, forgotten feeling of knowing that someone else, someone responsible, is taking care of life for you.

The International Office

The beautiful kaleidoscope of international The Office adaptations: exploring culturally specific versions of white male managerial toolishness.

The Doppelgänger

My father, the minor spy novelist Mendel Portugali, rarely spoke of his famous namesake.

Honestly Yonatan Raz Portugali Kinda Does a Shitload Really in One Day

Of course his wife made him three eggs to get him going, but still.

Final Scene, Belgrade and Tel Aviv

World Cup in Evening

Features Primary category in which blog post is published

In Praise of Defensive Football

It's called "the beautiful game," but soccer is at its best when it is seemingly the most boring.