Twitter Is a Transnational Company
Musk has tried to ingratiate himself with authoritarians the world over.
Last Flight of the Octopus
Was the feedback really overwhelming? Or was my mother part of a fascist regime?
ME TODAY Primary category in which blog post is published
Every now and then she brought me a freshly made soup
In return she was allowed to laugh at my moonface.
ME TODAY Primary category in which blog post is published
My best friend’s girlfriend searched for videos of “the worst fireworks ever”
Our downward YouTube search spiral led to “biggest waves of all time.”
ME TODAY Primary category in which blog post is published
What was left to do but take off my trousers
This is what it is to be 29, I thought.
ME TODAY Primary category in which blog post is published
The letters of inane emails started to jumble together, and I began to melt into my chair
I felt like the rest of my life was woven into the wiring underneath the desktop casing.