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Mediaquake: Internet for the People

A Q&A with author Ben Tarnoff

Yakkin’ About ChatGPT, with David Roth


Highlights for Children

The emojified world of House of Highlights

YouTubers in Kashmir still under siege

"The government doesn’t know we exist."

Notes on Peach

It is the sort of app where you talk about having a headache, the fact that you’re horny, a memory you have of your father that still fucks you up, and of course, pictures of your dog, mostly to a cobbled-together group of people you’ve never even met who have, for some unknown reason, all agreed not to judge.

Discourse Bingo

Here is a Human Being

The Spotify and Ancestry partnership proposes to entertain users based on the narrowest possible conception of who they are.

The Emperor Stole My Hot Swipe

Navigating life and love in a city where the internet wants you to fail.

Sailor Moon Made A Woman Out Of You

In one of the game's smartest moments, you're asked to take Alex's Pretty Guardian Love Force fanfiction from 1300 to 1500 words.