Go check out FLAMING HYDRA!


The Tell-Tale Heart of the Millennium Dome

The disastrous Body Zone exhibit of 2000

A Conspiracy Theorist’s Garden

The sun was shining. Bees hummed about the lavender bushes.

Bonfire Night

It was the one holiday in the year our parents let us be a part of.

A Registered Reader at the British Library

At this desk, I wrote the bulk of my dissertation.

Long Black Nigerian

It is a potion for willfulness that I am concocting.

ME TODAY Primary category in which blog post is published

“Police Praise ‘Safe, Orderly’ Carnival”

I rode the 381 home and sat in the priority seats just behind the box of free tabloids.

ME TODAY Primary category in which blog post is published

Ah, the coffee high

From that first sip, my world felt full of possibility.

The London Underground Sketchbook

Priya Kuriyan opens up her sketchbook from the Tube

ELECTION DAY Primary category in which blog post is published


I tell my students that they are lucky to be living through a period of such exciting democratic activity.