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Jack Pendarvis

Jack Pendarvis

Jack Pendarvis has written five books. He won two Emmys for his work on the TV show Adventure Time. During a period of light employment, he spoke into a digital recorder whenever the mood struck him and transcribed the results, accumulating the two thousand pages from which this column has been extracted. Please begin at the beginning for the optimum experience.

Jack Pendarvis’s Moby-Dick

But, hey, people believe in the devil.

Jack Pendarvis’s Moby-Dick

“Have you seen the white whale?” Ahab asks.

Jack Pendarvis’s Moby-Dick

I paused there as if for my own laughter, which did not come.

Jack Pendarvis’s Moby-Dick

Who’s not a cannibal?

Jack Pendarvis’s Moby-Dick

“Tell those sharks to be—to calm down!”

Jack Pendarvis’s Moby-Dick

Obscene in its delicacy, the scene, as Stubb… I don’t know what word to use!

Jack Pendarvis’s Moby-Dick

So... watch out for the whale-line.

Jack Pendarvis’s Moby-Dick

The sea will crush your boat without thinking twice

Jack Pendarvis’s Moby-Dick

“I want my body to be brought out at meetings, and put it at the head of the table in a glass case, and it’ll be like I’m… there.”