Go check out FLAMING HYDRA!


Without tending, the digital commons decay or are ruined; Resurrection is Popula's contribution to the effort to restore valuable works that have disappeared from the public web.

Permission to Speak

the best work we can create, with no strings attached, at the new Brick House Cooperative

The failures of Ayn Rand

On the matter of looters and parasites.

Less Human Than Human: The Design Philosophy of Steve Jobs

To what degree do “good design,” or “taste,” depend on human values?

The Why of Cooking

I wrote this in 2014 but I do still wonder: Why?

Resurrection: “Tom Scocca brought Bill Cosby here”

Today Bill Cosby was sentenced to three to ten years in prison.

I Call it Just the Beginning

The DJ’s job is to ensure the music doesn’t stop, allowing listeners to get from Point A to Point B without having to stop dancing.