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What Media Leaves Below Decks

Global media's inability to reveal the truth

Biden at the Border

the problem wasn't "kids in cages"

The Next Day There Were No Onions

Are we transformed?

Don’t Blame Jeanine Cummins

'American Dirt' is exactly the book US publishers want

Bonfire Night

It was the one holiday in the year our parents let us be a part of.

Fuck “civility”

The presumption is that we have a decent society to lose, which right now, we do not.

Punjabi Convoy

In a nation where much of the labor force is made up of immigrants, the trucker hat may no longer be the profession’s definitive symbol.

Don’t Be a Nazi!! They are GIANT Failures who Died Horribly Last Time

Evildoers have good reason to hide what is going on, but it is all going to come out eventually.

F-1 Is for Foreigner

I have been trying my best to wean myself off of my sense of belonging.