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Populacast, No. 4

Stand clear of the closing doors!

ME TODAY Primary category in which blog post is published

My fellow passengers were sleeping or working on laptops or reading through stacks of papers

I calculated the time I had spent commuting so far today, and thought about how long it will take to get home tonight.

ME TODAY Primary category in which blog post is published

It was here, on the U7 line, that I saw her: the Celine Dion busker

She only ever sings that one song, to the same backing track.

The Two Greens, Part 2

To achieve a transformation adequate to the scale of planetary catastrophe, we will need to stop having firms that are ruled by profit.

The Two Greens, Part I

The economy, the environment, John Maynard Keynes, and why we’re never gonna get a sweet train, sorry.

ME TODAY Primary category in which blog post is published

We swam south through green fields and rolling hills

We made a list of all the things we didn’t know: when was the Bronze Age, and what’s steel made of, anyway?

ME TODAY Primary category in which blog post is published

The Bar, The Phone, and The Train

This was exactly the soapbox I had wanted for almost as long as I'd been riding Amtrak, my chance to speak to the people about our national rail.

Those Who Love Me[rle] Can Take the Train

The author takes a ride through history with old friends, new friends, and a beloved pet.

The SMART Train

Who doesn’t want to drink wine and stare out a window?