Jennalee by Meher Ahmed
On going back to “where you came from”
TPE-JFK by Brian Hioe
Dispatch from a New York City expat in Taiwan
My Airport: Karachi by Meher Ahmed
“Pakistan’s cheapest commodity is human beings.”
How to Get a Five-Year Residency Permit If You’re Sort of Chinese-ish by Jinghua Qian
Code-switching in the queue, between thrill and anxious pangs
“Libtard” in the Chinese style by Brian Hioe
Activists in China concerned with social justice issues are derided for their “baizuo” mentality.
Frozen Garlic by Brian Hioe
Tòng-soán as Political Pluralism in Taiwan
There is No Dalit Cuisine by Sharanya Deepak
“It was what was available, and it was what was cooked.”
Winter Light in Lahore by Usman Ahmad
A meditation on the beauty of winter light
My Airport: CBR by Tabitha Carvan
Canberra International Airport is perfectly appropriate for a capital city airport; it’s Canberra being Australia’s capital which is incongruous.
Why I Hate Hospitals by George Jelinek
On a lifetime spent in a place where no one wants to go.
Sydney in winter is a strange affair, by Tom St. John
I found the fog a welcome reprieve from the boundless blue skies.
We Live in a Soft House by Giovanni Tiso
On coping and caring with autism in the world as it is
My Airport: WLG by Giovanni Tiso
Of all the airports in the world today, Wellington International is the only one where you stand a chance of being killed by Gandalf.