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Ingredients is a regular Popula column, in which we explore the things that go into other things in order to become the things that they are.
Ingredients Primary category in which blog post is published

CO2: Foe, or… Friend?

Supercritical CO2 is heavy like a liquid but as penetrating as a gas, with surprisingly weird and useful properties.

Ingredients Primary category in which blog post is published

Green-Eyed Lion Eating the Sun

All of gold’s experimental value pales in comparison to the sheer drama of its impact on the alchemists

Ingredients Primary category in which blog post is published


Of Philosophical Deaths and Slowly Strangling Sheep

Ingredients Primary category in which blog post is published


Magnets: How Do They Work?

Ingredients Primary category in which blog post is published

Fire Season

I bought a bigger axe, a better handsaw; I borrowed a too-tiny electric chainsaw. I concluded that Pa Ingalls from the Little House books must have been swole.

Ingredients Primary category in which blog post is published


A little to drink, a bit more to swim, a lot to kill.

Ingredients Primary category in which blog post is published

Heavy Stuff

Lead is useful; lead is poison.

Ingredients Primary category in which blog post is published

Sea Glass

A small amount of the trash we put in the ocean ends up right back where it came from.