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LISTEN: Andrew Cuomo Says Cities Are in Trouble in a ‘Post-Covid World’

The former governor won’t say if he voted for Letitia James, but he’s got lots to say about how the Democratic Party has lost the script on crime as he says people tell him they “are afraid of the feeling I get in the city,” and much more.

Jane Jacobs and Delhi’s lockdowns

the renewed relevance of 'eyes on the street' as the pandemic ebbs

Echoes in the Chelsea Hotel

Twilight falls in New York City's bohemian palace

ME TODAY Primary category in which blog post is published

We went to the party anyway, which had mini chocolate cakes for everyone

A couple had sex in one of the screening rooms, which I thought sounded cool and B said was “pathetic.”

ME TODAY Primary category in which blog post is published

Citrus Season

I left my apartment in the morning with two oranges in my coat pockets.

ME TODAY Primary category in which blog post is published

I took a red marker and drew a 7-pointed star on my left pinky

If I wash my hand it’s gone so I have to keep drawing.

My Hometown Primary category in which blog post is published

My Hometown: Dix Hills, New York

Dix Hills is stupidly lovable. You just have to learn how to forgive it.

The Tell-Tale Fan: A Tale of Everyday Heroism, in Five Acts

"Oh!" Jenny appeared in the doorway and said, breezily, "That's just the bathroom fan."