Today in More Bad Media News, we learn that Gawker is being shuttered (again), which means one less decent blog out there.
It matters who owns these things—in this case, Bryan Goldberg of BDG. The blog existed at his pleasure; he could pull the plug at any time, and now he has done so, to the surprise of nobody. The writing was absolutely on the wall by 2021, when Goldberg responded as follows to Gawker writer Tarpley Hitt, who’d asked him how much money he has:

So in honor of this dark day, here’s my coverage of the Gawker trial: the full collection of pieces I filed from Florida at Death and Taxes in the spring of 2016, under the editorship of Brian Abrams. These pieces disappeared from the internet when the site was acquired in December of that year and subsequently shut down, together with its archive.
We retrieved my Gawker stuff from the Wayback Machine and are reposting here, partly to reproduce the archive, and also so that these pieces can appear in more web searches, and be more readily accessible to anyone who may like to research the story of Gawker’s demise as it happened. My grateful thanks to the Internet Archive for preserving this work; I join millions of people who’ve relied on your records.
If you’d like just an overview, you could read the recap post: “A.J. Daulerio, bloodied but unbowed.”
This assignment changed the whole trajectory of my professional life, because until then I had not realized how far the enemies of the free press would be ready to go—how many millions of dollars they’d be willing to spend to silence their critics, how devious and secretive they’d be, or how they’d lie about it all. But I never unlearned that.
These gazillionaires can pay people to lie on their behalf and attack the press all day long—and they do—but in the end it’s all money down the drain, because they’ll still be vile, contemptible lowlife forever, even if there is nobody left to write about it.
p.s. Please support independent media, including us, with all you’ve got. We want to keep doing this.
10 Mar 2016 . Gamergate trolls, NYT attack former Gawker editor over sex tape testimony
11 Mar 2016 . Why is the court discussing the market value of the Hulk Hogan sex tape?
14 Mar 2016 . Bubba the Love Sponge wants to plead the Fifth at the Hogan/Gawker trial
14 Mar 2016 . Hulk Hogan is the Donald Trump of ‘sports entertainment’
15 Mar 2016 . Nick Denton’s blowjob storytime hour
15 Mar 2016 . Who’s in the gutter? Guess what, it ain’t Gawker Media
16 Mar 2016 . The real purpose of Hulk Hogan’s lawsuit against Gawker Media
16 Mar 2016 . Heather Clem’s tweets seem to make oblique references to #hulkvsgawk
16 Mar 2016 . The judge in the Hogan/Gawker case has been ordered to unseal documents
17 Mar 2016 . Hulk Hogan is hiding something
18 Mar 2016 . Doy: Hulk Hogan is Terry Bollea
19 Mar 2016 . The right-wing judicial activism of Judge Pamela Campbell
21 Mar 2016 . FBI documents strongly suggest Hulk Hogan lied in court
22 Aug 2016 . A.J. Daulerio, bloodied but unbowed
23 Aug 2016 . Fate of A.J. Daulerio’s lone golf club uncertain