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MR: WRONG: Survey Says

In Full Disclosure, please remember I’m trying to win a year of pies, OK? Journalism!

MR. WRONG: The Adult Waiter Gives 100 Percent

I invented Snackstaurant™

MR. WRONG: The New Year Never Gets Old 

Please to enjoy yourself and be healthy

MR. WRONG: Plane and Simple.

Preposterous distances at incredible speeds for ridiculous dollars

MR. WRONG: Santa Claus Is For the Children

To paraphrase my pal Pontius Pilate, “What is Santa Claus?”

MR. WRONG: Mystic Cords of Memory

No tidy endings.

MR. WRONG: Steal the Stream

What the hell is going on with stealing and then tooting off about it in a Public manner?

MR. WRONG: Inflammatory Reaction

It’s kinda (SPOILER ALERT)