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rosa lyster

This is a dig against me, not the book

Merle loves to stare at people. She is very old.

Lucky Jim

Me, marooned on Sex Life in Ancient Rome Face Island.

Happy Birthday, Nabokov

I imagine you sitting in your well-appointed study, playing chess and breaking Shostakovich records over your knee.

Happy Birthday, Richard Hatch

You taught me about America. Thanks guys!

Who Are Nerds

Rosa Lyster has often replied “How much I hate nerds” in response to the question “What are you thinking about?”

Finding Johannesburg. Losing Johannesburg.

Losing Myself and Finding Johannesburg. And so on.

Happy Birthday, Rupert Murdoch

You are a sinister person who has done a number of truly disgraceful things. You are also boring.

Happy Birthday, Patsy Kensit

If it were up to me it would just be you on the cover of Hello, always, in your tutu and Hunter wellies, doing fine.

February is break-up season in Cape Town

I was so sad once in February I drove with the handbrake on for the whole day.