Go check out FLAMING HYDRA!


COVID-19 Diary Comic: Bars I’m Missing in the Holidays

Quarantined away from liquid holiday cheer

Abstention and The Book of Tea

on the travails of Drynuary

What if you are a fucking bitch?

What then?

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There is a difference between mursik that was made to be sold, and mursik that was made for a person you love

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Grandpa’s Beer

The thing that Bob G. cared about a lot, and would NOT RELAX ABOUT, was the temperature of beer.

What’s in a Name?

A 1941 book called Crosby Gaige’s Cocktail Guide and Ladies’ Companion is where my favorite cocktail first appears in print.

A delicious mid-life mocktail

After some initial reluctance, I realized that the Buddha might have had a point.

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Instant Class

a shifting ethereal ghoul that drifts behind you for your whole life

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Cane and Appletiser

I live in Cape Town now and there is always someone shitting on Durban and making me listen