Writers Have a Secret Weapon for Protecting Libraries Like the Internet Archive
Demand your works be sold, not leased, to libraries
Tomorrow: Own Your Own Culture
A fun talk; tickets are free, just like the speech we are IRL protecting
On the forbidding of cultural exchange with Iran
"This is the opposite of supporting civil society."
Thus Spoke the Booksellers
Conversations with booksellers at the Brancion Market for Used and Antique Books.
The Price of a Book
There is in fact a bookshop - the oldest one around, I believe, very rich in its collection—that sells books at KES 300 higher. Take it or leave it.
I watched the city flatten to a blue-grey triangle as I climbed
Many of southwest Pittsburgh’s neighborhoods exist at a 20-degree angles.
Like many of John Le Carré’s women, she has a creepy energy that I can only describe as “sex-mother.”
Many of the women in his books seem unable to decide whether they want to sleep with every man they see or be their actual biological mother.